
VetPlus Event - Once a Month Vitamin & Mineral Supplement (Equine)

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Event is a unique vitamin and mineral supplement which only needs to be given once a month, and is excellent for all horses and ponies.
From £80.99
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Vitamins and Minerals are an essential part of a horses diet, but are often the most neglected and mis-understood area. Some owners feed a daily vitamin and mineral supplement, whilst others believe that a complete feed provides adequate nutrients. Both of these sources may have high levels of vitamins and minerals but how bioavailable are they? If an element is bioavailable it means that the horse can digest, absorb and utilise it easily. eg. If you fed your horse a lead pencil, it would be an excellent source of Lead but your horse would not be able to absorb and utilise it, ie. not bioavailable.

Ingredients Event is a liquid supplement containing an advanced formulation of over 60 elements, vitamins and micronutrients organically bonded to amino acid. The process of bonding the elements to an amino acid is called Chelation.

Chelation: i) Increases the bioavailablity of the elements contained in event by 300-500%, meaning that the body can actually absorb and utilise the trace elements. ii) Enables the body to store the elements contained in event in the soft tissues for up to two months. The horse is then able to selectively utilise the elements as and when it requires (on-tap store).

Administration: Horses 500kg & under: In Work = 80mls/ month Resting = 40mls/ month Horses 500kg & over: In work = 120mls/ month Resting = 60mls/ month

Sizes: 240ml = 3 month supply for one horse (500kg horse in work), 1 litre = 12 month supply for one horse (500kg horse in work)

More Information
Brand VetPlus
Applicator/ Dispenser Syringe
My Product Must Be... Safe for Lactation, Safe for Pregnancy
My Horse Is... Lacking Vitamins & Minerals
Ingredients Label Trace Elements: Potassium, Iron, Cobalt, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Sodium, Selenium Vitamins: Folic Acid, Vitamins B2, A, C, D3, B1 (Thiamine), B6, B12, Pantothenic Acid, K, B3, H, E Composition: Monopropylene Glycol, Cider vinegar, Glycerol, Lysine, Methionine
Key Ingredients Cobalt, Copper, Lysine, Manganese, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc
Instructions for use To ensure horses obtain maximum benefits Event must be given via the drenching syringe provided.

Horses over 500kg: 120mls every month
Horses 500kg and under in training, in poor condition, under medication, brood mares (breeding or lactating), stallions at stud: 80mls every month.
Brood mares (mid pregnancy) riding horses in light work, competition horses resting: 80mls every two months.
Youngstock, children's riding ponies: 60mls every two months.
Foals (1 - 6 months) 20mls every month.
Foals (6 - 12 months) 40mls every month.
Maintenance Feeding Rate (average size animal) 80mls monthly
How long will it last (days)? 240ml - 3 months
1 Litre - 12 months
2.5 Litre - 31 months (3months for 10 horses)
Approx cost per day 20p - 31p
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Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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