
Synovium Clay & Cool (Equine)

The advanced cooling action of Clay & Cool is ideal for use on hot tired legs. Synovium Clay & Cool is ready to use, easy to apply and has a superior longer lasting formula, with no need to wrap or bandage and is easy to wash off. It should be used as part of the daily routine, to care for and help maintain healthy legs.

From £17.99
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Veterinary cooling clay for horses legs.

CLAY & COOL has a uniquely developed composition, containing 100% natural active ingredients for an advanced cooling clay for horses legs. Designed to cool hot & tired legs, applied before or after exercise. Long lasting effects. The added thyme oil makes it suitable for use on dry and cracked skin.

This product is based on widely spread scientific research and is supported by many equine veterinarians.

More Information
Brand Synovium
Presentation Clay
My Product Must Be... Free From Prohibited Substances
My Horse Has... Filled Legs, Tired Legs
Ingredients Label CONTAINS PER KG: Montmorillinites 373 g, Sodiumborate 30 g, Natural thyme oil 0,358 g, Aluminium silicate 72 g, Glycerine 24 g, Purified water
Key Ingredients Herbal Extracts
Instructions for use Routine use: Apply directly to stifles, fetlocks, shins and tendons after periods of training. Spread evenly no more than 6mm thick.

For more prolonged effect: Wrap with moistened brown paper and bandage. Repeat as necessary after 24 hours. To remove, wash off with water.

Storage: Store at room temperature < 25°C
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