
Panacur Equine Granules 22.2% w/w Equine Wormer 10.2g [active ingredient: Fenbendazole] (POM-VPS)

A broad spectrum anthelmintic for the treatment and control of adult and immature roundworms of the gastro-intestinal tract in horses and other equines.

Sachets are sold individually. 1x Quantity = 1x Sachet


*This product can only be sold into the United Kingdom*

  • Buy 5 for   £10.78 each and save 2%
  • Buy 10 for   £10.55 each and save 4%
  • Buy 20 for   £10.33 each and save 6%
  • Buy 40 for   £10.12 each and save 8%

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Panacur treats and controls the following roundworm infections:

  • Large strongyles (adults and migrating larval stages of Strongylus vulgaris; adults and tissue larval stages of S. edentatus).
  • Adult and immature small strongyles (Cyathostomes, benzimidazole susceptible) including encysted mucosal 3rd and 4th stage larvae; it is also effective against inhibited 3rd stage larvae (encysted) in the mucosa.
  • Adult and immature Oxyuris spp., Strongyloides spp. and Parascaris equorum.

Panacur also has an ovicidal effect on nematode eggs.

More Information
Brand Panacur
Presentation Granules
Applicator/ Dispenser Sachets
Size 10.2g Sachet
Pregnancy Recommendation Pregnant mares and young foals may be safely treated with fendendazole at therapeutic dosage levels.
My Product Must Be... Safe for Lactation, Safe for Pregnancy, Suitable for Donkeys
Warnings Direct contact with the skin should be kept to a minimum. Avoid inhalation of granule dust. Wash hands after use. Not to be sued in horses intended for human consumption. Horses must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under national horse passport legislation.
Suitable for Donkeys Yes
Legal Category POM-VPS (Prescription-only medicine). Please answer the questions above.
Unsure about worming? If you have any questions about worming your horse please do not hesitate to contact Hannah, our SQP, on 01995 671787 or email [email protected].
Adverse Reaction If your horse has had an adverse reaction to this, or any other wormer, please fill in the VMD Adverse Event Form
Wormer Information For the latest, up to date information about Panacur Equine Granules, please see the NOAH Compendium
Parasites Treated Ascarids (P.equorum), Roundworm (Parascaris), Large Redworm (Large Strongyles), Pinworm (Oxyuris), Small Redworm (Adult Stage), Small Redworm (Encysted Stage)
Active Ingredient Fenbendazole (22.2% W/W)
Instructions for use Amounts to be administrated and administration route:
Routine treatment: Administer 5g Panacur Equine Granules per 150kg bodyweight (=7.5mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight)
Practical Dosage Recommendations:
Up to 150kg = 5g
151-300kg = 10g
301-450kg = 15g
451-600kg = 20g
601-750kg = 25g
751-900kg = 30g

Panacur Equine Granules sachet packs each contain 10.2g granules and can be used as follows:
Foals and ponies up to 300kg bodyweight: 1 sachet
Thoroughbreds and other breeds of horses up to 600 kg bodyweight: 2 sachets
Heavy hunters, heavy draft horses: 3 sachets
Donkeys: 1 sachet
Increased dosing for specific infections.

Five day course:
For the treatment and control of migrating larval stages of large strongyles and encysted mucosal 3rd and 4th stage larvae and inhibited 3rd stage small strongyle larvae (encysted) in the mucosa, administer 5g Panacur Equine Granules per 150kg bodyweight daily for 5 days.
(= 7.5mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight daily for 5 days).

Single dose treatments:
For the treatment and control of encysted mucosal stages of small strongyles, administer 20g Panacur Equine Granules per 150kg bodyweight.
(= 30mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight).

For the treatment and control of migrating stages of large strongyles, administer 40g Panacur Equine Granules per 150kg bodyweight.
(= 60mg fenbendazole/kg bodyweight).

Diarrhoea caused by Strongyloides westeri in two to three week old suckling foals should be treated with Panacur 10% Suspension at a dose rate of 25ml per 50kg bodyweight.
(= 50mg fenbendazole per kg bodyweight).

Panacur Equine Granules should be sprinkled onto concentrate or grain feed and the full dosage given as one administration.

To ensure administration of a correct dose, body weight should be determined as accurately as possible; accuracy of the dosing device should be checked.

Recommended dosing programme
All horses should be routinely wormed with the single dose of Panacur Equine Granules every 6-8 weeks.
Treatment of encysted mucosal dwelling larvae should ideally be done in the autumn (late October/November) and again in the Spring.
However, for horses who fail to maintain condition or bought-in horses with unknown worming history, the treatment can be given at any time of the year.
Maintenance Feeding Rate (average size animal) 2 sachets
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Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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