
NostrilVet Allergy Blocker - 2 x Bottle Pack upto 20% off (Equine)

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NostrilVet forms a Natural Barrier to stop indoor & outdoor allergies before they start. Helping with equine hayfever, head shaking, heaves & dust allergies. NostrilVet is a clinically proven, unique and natural nasal powder spray that delivers fast and effective protection for your horse against mould from straw, mite, dust, pollen and other airborne allergens that causes allergic reactions like equine hay fever, coughing, heaves, runny nose, and other similar symptoms. NostrilVet is a unique blend of cellulose and meets both the highest purity and safety standards, being a natural plant based extract.
  • Buy 2 for   £26.39 each and save 6%
RRP £32.99 Special Price £28.03

As horses breathe through their noses only it is imperative to try and keep their nasal tract in full working order to maintain a supply of unhindered supply of oxygen to the lungs.

How does NostrilVet work? Studies have shown that by naturally enhancing the protective barrier of the nostril cavitation, it is possible to filter out airborne allergens. NostrilVet works by forming a colourless, thin mucus like gel lining in the nasal tract that acts as a filter for pollen, dust and germs. This protects the horse’s lungs from damage, with clean allergen-free air reaching the lungs, thereby reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

Can all horses use NostrilVet? NostrilVet is suitable for all horses, young and old, professional or domestic. NostrilVet does not restrict horses in competing in professional events because it contains no drugs and is 100% natural.

More Information
Brand NostrilVet
Presentation Powder
Applicator/ Dispenser Puffer
Size 2 Pack
My Product Must Be... Safe for Lactation, Safe for Pregnancy
My Horse Is... Allergy Prone, Shaking Their Head
Ingredients Label NostrilVet is a unique cellulose formula which meets both the highest purity and safety standards, being a natural plant based extract.
Instructions for use Stand sideways to the horse, put your right arm under the horse’s neck and place your right hand over the top of the horse’s nose, which enables you to get the horse in a firm but gentle headlock.

Hold the head firmly and then place NostrilVet’s bottle nozzle gently into the nostril and push the sides together tightly to deliver one puff of of NostrilVet powder.

Repeat the above in the other nostril. NostrilVet can be used daily and as often as required to maintain a constant layer of powder on the barrier inside the nostril cavity.

Administer twice a day or three times a day if symptoms are severe.

Adminster 15 minutes before riding if the horse suffers from symptoms while being ridden.
How long will it last (days)? One pack will last 30 days
Approx cost per day £1.08
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