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Get ready to stand out from the crowd with some top tips to get you ready for your ring. Be it the show ring, a center line or a course of show jumps, we all like to be ready for action!

Turning out well also offers comfort for the individual and can help put them in a state of relaxation, so we have provided some common questions with suggested solutions for you to put in your basket and tack box!

The Question:

I’ve been using non-equine shampoo to bath my horse, but it’s resulted in dry skin. Should I be using an equine specific shampoo?”

The Solution


Firstly, a healthy horse should have a high alkaline pH to their skin (largely due to sweat/dirt etc.), so you should balance their pH with your shampoo. Fortunately, Show Off provides a well-balanced pH designed for equine hair, however as the human pH is usually a lower alkaline, human shampoos can result in leaving hair shafts dry and prone to breakage as well as stripping the natural oils. Show Off supports a clean and healthy hair shaft across all coat types as well as leaving the coat feeling refreshed, supporting the renewal of new hair follicles and providing a deep clean to bring out the colour in all coat types.

NAF’s Care Range doesn’t stop with these four products; also available are Brighter Than White, Cooling Wash, It’s so Silky Serum, Lavender Wash, Make Your Mark, Paint It Black, Paint It Clear, Pimp My Pony, Razzle Dazzle Them, Shine On, Teatree & Mint Shampoo and Warming Wash.

The stain remover:

The Question:

My horse gets lots of stains on him, it doesn’t matter how much I bed him down!  It is really frustrating if we have to leave early for a competition too, is there anything to avoid endless scrubbing and getting him soaking wet that can help remove the stains?”

The Solution:


The name says it all, this is a quick and easy powerful stain remover. With ingredients that are designed to lift dirt and grease from all types of coat effortlessly, Muck Off offers a friendly approach to the many different skin types.  This product is immediately ready to use thanks to the mousse head, simply apply to a sponge and then straight onto your stain to wipe away.

Top tips -plaiting photo

The plaiting spray:

The Question:

I really struggle with plaiting, my plaits never look smooth and neat, they have a “frizz” I find hard to control into plaits.  Water doesn’t work and the “frizz” gets worse!  Is there anything you can offer to help?”

The Solution:


Keep the wisps and strays at bay and achieve a workable grip making it quick and easy to plait.  Plait it Up leaves your plaits looking professional and they will be long lasting. Comb the mane, section into the desired width for plaits, apply the mousse and comb down, then get ready to plait!

The detangler:

The Question:

My fell pony has the thickest mane, is there an easy way to keep it conditioned so I don’t have to brush it daily and make it more manageable?”

The Solution:


Best in Test and award winning Silky provides all manes and tails with a shiny, tangle free finish that can be brushed through with ease. Thanks to its formulation, Silky does not leave a greasy residue so it will not attract dust. 

The shampoo:

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