
Worming Blog Content

  1. Worming for tapeworm in horses

    Did you know tapeworm is an important risk factor for colic in horses?* Adult tapeworms cluster around the narrow junction between the small and the large intestine, resulting in blockages and preventing the passage of food. All horses are at risk of tapeworm infection, but younger and older horses, in particular, can require more tapeworm […]
  2. Summer Worm Counts

    Time to worm your horse? Think worm count first... Summer is here and most horses are out to grass and enjoying the Great British sunshine, or lack of it! Whilst horses are out it's a good time to get jobs done ready for Winter and to conduct worm counts to test as part of a […]
  3. ESRW Treatment

    "Hi, I'm Hannah the E-SQP at Supplement Solutions. This means I am qualified to prescribe and supply equine wormers as well as offering advice and worming programmes. Here's some information about Encysted Small Redworm, brought to you in conjunction with Zoetis (makers of Equest and Equest Pramox)." Hannah Wild, 3D Worming E-SQP of the Year. […]

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