
Seasonal Blog Content

  1. Winter Weight Loss - Foran Equine

    The winter weather, cold, adverse weather and lack of grass often leads to natural weight loss in horses as they burn calories for heat regulation. Whilst for some this may be undesirable for those that are carrying a few extra pounds, winter is often a highly effective weight loss tool. Body Condition Scoring Body condition […]
  2. Let's Talk Sweet Itch - Hannah Wild

    Let's Talk Sweet Itch - Hannah Wild

    Sweet Itch is an extremely common skin condition, caused by an allergic skin reaction to midge saliva. Most commonly seen from March to October and with remission usually occurring in the Winter. It is really important to nutritionally support the skin all year round to support the horse’s natural skin defences.   Weakness in the skin gives opening […]
  3. Veterans Winter Guide - Keeping Your Older Horse Healthy Over Winter

    Owning an older horse or pony can be very rewarding! They are usually (but not always!) more sensible, have seen life. If still actively working or competing, they know their job, and get on with it! Traditionally, a horse or pony was recognized as a veteran at just 15 years of age. These days, many […]

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