
Equine Blog Content

  1. Can we feed to slow down aging?

    Protexin's Liam Gamble MA VetMB MRCVS looks at the changes you can make to your older horse's diet to tackle inflammation and reduce the effects of aging. It may seem like getting older is inevitable, both for you and your horse.  Rather than searching for the elixir of eternal youth, concentrate on how you care […]
  2. Pollen abounds

    Global Herbs Dr Stephen Ashdown talks about the change of season and what it might mean for your horse. Spring is here again. The new shoots of life and colour are out marked by many as the start of new life, but with it brings its very own challenges. As this cyclical event takes hold, […]
  3. Cosequin Tried & Tested

    "Back in April both myself and our Team Supplement Solutions riders were lucky enough to try out some products from the Protexin Equine Premium range. My horse, Emma, had recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the hocks and this combined with her age (17) meant I was on the hunt for a higher specification joint […]

Items 49 to 51 of 52 total

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Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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