Equine Blog Content
Take the stress out of Spring
Spring can be a worrying time for many horse owners as routines change. Horses are routine animals who do best when a structured routine is in place, sudden changes to this routine can have a negative impact on health and behavior. We as horse-owners can do our best to support our horses during these times […] -
Step in a New Direction...
Alas, no April Fool, we saw the offices close on 1st April 2023 as the founder of Equi Life, Robert A Eustance FRCVS retired. We understand this will leave a number of customers worldwide lost for which hoof product to use for their equines. -
Prevent itchiness before it becomes a problem...
Itchiness is an unpleasant sensation which can lead to horses biting, scratching or rubbing. This sensation can be very strong and excessive scratching can lead to bald patches and damaged skin. You might be thinking "my horse isn't itchy yet, why do I need to consider this now?" but let me explain to you the […]