Most equestrians will have heard of the saying "no hoof, no horse". Ensure your horse's feet are well cared for by providing the optimum nutrients which provide the foundations for maintaining strong, healthy hooves. NAF Five Star PROFEET not only contains all the essential ingredients for hoof support, the formula helps to target healthy liver function which goes hand in hand with promoting hoof quality. When building new hoof, remember the process is a lengthy one, it takes time for new hoof horn to grow and a supplement will only help to improve new hoof growth. Once your horse is a on a suitable supplement for their needs, as the hoof grows and is trimmed or worn down in time, the stronger hoof will replace the poor, weaker horn that was there previously.

Does your horse suffer from any of the following?

  • Weak soles
  • Brittle horn
  • Cracks/splits
  • Abscesses and ailments
  • Lost ridden days
  • Shoe loss
  • Sensitive soles
  • Smelly frogs
  • Lack of growth

All of these common hoof problems can be a result of insufficient nutrients within the diet and can be improved by feeding a quality hoof supplement.

horses hoovs


Whilst biotin is an essential ingredient for helping to improve the quality of hoof and hair, a blend of ingredients is necessary to ensure the hoof horn's structure does not become dry, brittle and at risk of cracking. NAF Five Star PROFEET combines biotin with a rich sulphur complex of methionine, lysine and MSM, minerals including calcium and zinc, and a broad spectrum of naturally sourced amino acids and essential fatty acids. Sulphur plays a vital role in building healthy hooves.

NAF PROFEET Supplements
importance of sulphur

Five Star PROFEET provides:

  • Recommended proven levels of biotin
  • Cysteine essential for di-sulphide bonds
  • MSM for Sulphur donation at 34% Sulphur, compared to, methionine at 21.5% or biotin at 13.1%
  • Methionine for cystine conversion
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Complex of vitamins and minerals
  • Broad blend of amino acids
  • Vital antioxidants to support against oxidative stress
  • Anti-inflammatories to support day to day tissue pressures
  • Awarded Five Star status with its veterinary approved formulation
  • Trusted by riders worldwide

Using a topical hoof product can benefit your horses feet.

A daily solution or dressing can be applied to your horse's feet as part of your daily grooming routine. Designed to penetrate deep into the hoof horn to help prevent premature cracking and dryness, helping to keep the hoof elastic. A good hoof ointment will also form a natural barrier which will help to protect against any bad bacteria that may find its way into minor cracks or splits.

At times of increased dryness or dampness it may be a good idea to look for a more targeted topical hoof product. For example during hot, dry spells, particularly where the ground may also dry out and become hard, a moisturising dressing can be applied. NAF PROFEET Hoof Moist will help to restore moisture balance within the hoof whilst allowing the hoof to breathe.

NAF PROFEET Rock Hard is a great option for use during wet spells, the natural and safe to use formula is designed for use on weak, brittle, cracked hooves and soft soles, it also has properties to help support the frog tissue.

painting horse hoof

In conclusion, it takes time for strong, healthy hooves to grow. A suitable hoof supplement will help to provide the foundations whilst applying a topical hoof product will help to maintain the hoof you have by aiding the optimum moisture levels and helping to prevent bacterial infection.

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