
  1. What is BETA NOPS?

    Chances are you've seen this logo before. Whether that's on a corner of your feed bags or on the back of a supplement tub. You probably know it means that the product is BETA NOPS assured but what does that really mean for you and your horse? In partnership with NAF we've got the facts […]
  2. International Show Prep

    Here's our latest update from Stacey Nichols and her top tips to prepare for an International show: 'So I have just returned from a fantastic 2* International show at Keysoe. Gigant finished the show on a total high, we finished 8th in the Small Grand Prix out of 85, which included some real big names […]
  3. 10 Dressage Essentials

    Team Supplement Solutions' Dressage rider, Holly Colgate Hardaway, has compiled a list of her 10 everyday essentials for all you Dressage divas out there! We'd love to hear if you have anything to add to the list. Holly's Essentials: 1. I cannot leave my house without my Montar Jodhpurs. They are very stylish and so […]

Items 82 to 84 of 85 total

Customers are welcome to collect orders, view products in our showroom or arrange a consultation. Whilst we do hold most items in stock, we advise you to telephone before you set off to check that the items your require are in stock. If you would like to arrange an appointment please contact us so we can schedule a time.


Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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