
  1. Tried & Tested - NAF Sheer Luxe Leather

    As a rider that started out in the showing world Emily knows a lot about shiny tack and she's tried out a lot of different varieties. In this blog she talks about the new NAF Sheer Luxe Leather range that she's put to the test on her tack! "The NAF Sheer Luxe Leather range are […]
  2. Devil's Claw Ban

    You may have read this in the horsey publications over the past couple of months but as of 1st January 2016 Devil's Claw has been added to the FEI prohibited substances list. Devil's Claw contains harpagoside, which is on the list of controlled medications this year. Currently it has not yet been added to the […]
  3. Update from Laura

    We are already into the third month of 2016 and the nights are getting noticeably lighter which can only mean one thing the event season is nearly here! According to most event riders this calendar event is even more exciting than Christmas, and despite the recent snow flurries that a lot of counties have experienced, this weekend marks the […]

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