
  1. Showing, competing, new foals & riding camp - a busy year ahead for Team Supplement Solutions!

    What are you hoping to achieve in 2020? Exercise more? Healthier diet? See more of the world? Along with the usual healthy intentions, our Supplement Specialists have all set themselves some horse-related goals too!   Here’s a look at what the team are hoping 2020 has in store for them…  Hannah M’s goals  After taking some time out, following the […]
  2. Product focus: Equitop GLME, from Boehringer Ingelheim

    With more than 100 equine joint products to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start. This month we’re taking a look at Equitop GLME, made by the world’s leading manufacturer of equine veterinary medicines, Boehringer Ingelheim. If you’re familiar with Equitop Myoplast, Equitop GLME has been specifically developed to complement this […]
  3. Worming for tapeworm in horses

    Did you know tapeworm is an important risk factor for colic in horses?* Adult tapeworms cluster around the narrow junction between the small and the large intestine, resulting in blockages and preventing the passage of food. All horses are at risk of tapeworm infection, but younger and older horses, in particular, can require more tapeworm […]

Customers are welcome to collect orders, view products in our showroom or arrange a consultation. Whilst we do hold most items in stock, we advise you to telephone before you set off to check that the items your require are in stock. If you would like to arrange an appointment please contact us so we can schedule a time.


Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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