
Kevin Bacon's Hoof Solution 150ml (Equine)

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Kevin Bacon's Hoof Solution - Effective and rapid treatment of smelly frogs and thrush.
HOOF SOLUTION is made of natural products. It is a centuries-old remedy rooted in alchemy. Its preparation was particularly time-consuming, complex and laborious, as a result of which it dropped out of the folk tradition for some 150 years. With the advent of new technology, this product with its powerful bactericidal and fungicidal properties has become a symbol of the meeting of old and new. After in-depth joint study by veterinarians and farriers, KEVIN BACON'S HOOF SOLUTION is back on the shelf. HOOF SOLUTION's antiseptic properties and astringent action on keratinized tissues make it the only product that can dry out, clean and treat infected or sensitive horny tissues deep down. KEVIN BACON'S HOOF SOLUTION is easy to use and quick acting. These properties make it a must for treating thrush and the area between the heel bulbs, as well as for protective applications at each shoeing, and it is recommended by all professionals. Regular applications of KEVIN BACON'S HOOF SOLUTION will keep your horse's feet clean and sound.
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Brand Kevin Bacon's
Presentation Liquid
Applicator/ Dispenser Brush Included
Size 150ml
My Product Must Be... Safe for Lactation, Safe for Pregnancy
My Horse Has... Smelly Feet
Instructions for use Mix the product well with a small brush before using.

Smelly frogs: 1 application a day
Thrush: 5 applications a day every other day
Preventive maintenance: 1 application a week
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Tel: 01995 672464

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