
Flair Nasal Strip (Equine)

Clinically proven to:

  • Speed Recovery
  • Reduce Fatigue
  • Reduce lung stress and bleeding

FLAIR Strips are self-adhesive strips that promote optimum respiratory health of equine athletes at all levels by reducing airway resistance and providing improved airflow when your horse needs oxygen most. FLAIR Strips provide benefits for all horses including intensively trained horses as well as for horses that only exert themselves during occasional weekend competitions or trail rides. During exercise when horses begin to breathe hard the soft tissues overlying the nasal passages are sucked in, reducing the airway diameter. This reduction in diameter causes greater resistance to airflow into the lungs. FLAIR Strips gently support the soft tissues over the nasal passages providing reduced airway resistance during exercise. By reducing airway resistance during exercise, FLAIR Strips help prevent fatigue related injuries, help protect the lungs from injury and bleeding and promote optimal athletic performance.

RRP £9.95 From £8.46
Only %1 left

What are FLAIR strips? A FLAIR strip is a self-adhesive, drug-free, support that promotes optimum respiratory health of equine athletes. FLAIR strips support the nasal passages of the horse during exercise, improving the horse's airflow when it needs oxygen most. By reducing airway resistance resulting from physical exertion, the FLAIR Strips help promote peak performance and prevents injury to the lungs.

How do FLAIR Strips work? The FLAIR Strip fits 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) above the opening of the nostrils. FLAIR Strips are constructed of FDA-approved medical-grade components including a non-irritating adhesive. Each strip is composed of three plastic springs that provide a precise level of force to help hold open the horse's nasal passages.

Why should my horse use FLAIR Strips? Unlike humans, horses cannot breathe through their mouths. As a result, all horses experience some level of nasal tissue collapse during physical exercise. This partial collapse reduces the size of the airway, forcing the horse to work harder to breathe. Clinical studies, conducted in both private and university settings, found that FLAIR Strips mechanically stabilize the size of the nasal passage opening, allowing oxygen to flow freely. FLAIR Strips support nasal passages and maintain the airway during training or strenuous workouts.

What are the health benefits of FLAIR strips? Studies have shown that FLAIR Strips reduce lung stress and the incidence of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH), or bleeding in the lungs. Most competitive horses experience some degree of EIPH, though the bleeding may not be visible. Continued episodes of EIPH can lead to permanent lung damage, scarring, and inflammation, increasing a horse's vulnerability to secondary infections and illness. FLAIR Strips significantly reduce EIPH during heavy exercise.

How will FLAIR Strips impact my horse's performance? Healthy horses perform better. If your horse bleeds as most do when working hard, the irritating effect of blood in the airways will be reduced by FLAIR Strips and your horse's lungs will stay healthier. In addition, FLAIR Strips reduce the energy required to take in oxygen. By reducing the amount of energy a horse spends just to get enough oxygen, FLAIR Strips enable horses to expend more energy on the task at hand. FLAIR Strips can also increase a horse's stamina, allowing him to perform at full strength for longer periods of time, without becoming fatigued. Horses wearing FLAIR Strips use five to eight percent less energy at high speed and during recovery. Riders and trainers notice their horses are more relaxed, look fresher and catch their breath faster when wearing a FLAIR Strip.

When should I use FLAIR Strips? For best results, use FLAIR Strips to maintain normal airflow through nasal passages during any heavy exercise, whether in training or in competition. FLAIR Strips are designed to stay attached for a full day of exercise. They should be applied to a clean, dry muzzle 20 to 30 minutes prior to starting a workout. After exercising, slowly peel the FLAIR Strips off, starting at the corners, and work your way carefully toward the center.

Who uses FLAIR Strips? Trainers and competitors at all levels of competition in every discipline, including jumping, endurance, reining, polo, barrel racing, eventing, flat and harness racing, and others, are using FLAIR Strips to keep their horses healthy as an integral part of their training, conditioning, and performance regimens.

How will my horse respond to FLAIR strips? Most trainers and competitors will notice a difference in either the feel or sound of their horse when they use FLAIR Strips. The most common statements shared are that my horse had more air, he cooled down faster, or she just seemed calmer. Still others state horses wearing FLAIR Strips are quieter or less stressed. As always, consult your veterinarian to ensure optimal care of your horse. Ask your veterinarian to tell you about the significant science behind FLAIR Strips.

Will FLAIR Strips help a horse with upper airway problems? Clinical studies have not been conducted to objectively prove FLAIR Strips provide benefit to horses with upper airway diseases. However, numerous people have used FLAIR Strips on horses affected with laryngeal hemiplegia (both before and after surgery) and say that their horse breathes easier and makes less noise. This make sense because FLAIR Strips have been proven to improve airflow dynamics through the upper airway in normal horses.

Will FLAIR Strips help a horse with lower airway disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD or heaves)? Clinical studies have not been conducted to objectively prove FLAIR Strips provide benefit to horses with lower airway disease. However, many horsemen using FLAIR Strips report that horses that are heavy or have lower airway disease are more relaxed and breathe easier when using Nasal Strips. This makes sense since in many lower airway diseases the elasticity of the lungs and the ability to draw air in is reduced. By reducing upper airway resistance, less effort is required to move air through the nasal passages into the lungs so compromised lungs have an easier time drawing air in.

More Information
Brand Flair
Applicator/ Dispenser Self-adhesive
Size One Size
My Horse Is... A Racehorse
My Horse Has... An Event
Instructions for use 1) Clean and dry muzzle thoroughly
2) Remov eprotective back liner from the underside of strip. DO NOT TOUCH THE ADHESIVE SURFACE.
3) Place bottom edge of strip 1 and 1/2 inches above the top of each nostril. Press down to adhere strip.
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