Clinoptilolite is known as the molecular sieve as it traps and removes harmful everyday toxins as well as residual toxins that may be lingering in the body from medication. Daily detoxification is a great support to the horse and increases the performance of all bodily functions, especially the immune system.
Nutrient Uptake
All feed companies will tell consumers that their food contains no mycotoxins as it has been treated.They do their best to rid their feed of the toxin but a recently published paper found that the chemical compounds are stable and will survive many treatments. You will find them in hay, pasture and your feed as many storage facilities will facilitate the growth, this is why Equine Zeo is fantastic for improved nutrient uptake as it will trap and hold the mycotoxins, allowing the necessary nutrients to be absorbed without obstacles. Greater nutrient uptake will ultimately assist performance as the building blocks for competition, as found in many feeds, will be reached by the required storage units of energy such as the muscles and liver.
Improved net bone formation
Any equine sport places enormous pressure on the musculoskeletal system of the horse. Adding Equine Zeo to the diet can assist in improving net bone formation in young horses and can assist in regeneration in older horses.