
Cavalor Venus (Equine)

Cavalor Venus is a herbal extract that supports the mare’s cycle and thus alleviates the effects of irregular ovulation. Hormone fluctuations can make mares quite restless and uncomfortable during their complex fertility cycle.

Cavalor Venus ensures a more regular cycle without disruption. Cavalor Venus is composed of several natural active ingredients that support metabolism during the cycle, suppress typical heat-related behaviour and promote general relaxation of body and mind.

You will experience a totally different, more comfortable horse.

From £42.00
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Cavalor Venus is a herbal extract that supports hormonal balance. The product compliments the mare's natural cycle without blocking it and alleviates the effect of irregular ovulation.

Cavalor Venus uses berry power… Chasteberry helps to bring the mare’s hormones into balance for a normal, regular, and balanced cycle.

The plant also supports fertility. Cavalor Venus also contains added magnesium bisglycinate and vitamin B6. Magnesium has calming properties and helps to relax muscles. Vitamin B6 supports the metabolism and promotes absorption of active ingredients.

Cavalor Venus contains: 

Naturally effective: herbal extracts for a guaranteed result.
How herbs work is determined by the content of the active ingredients. To make sure that
every production has the same effect, Cavalor® relies on extracts. In contrast to dried herbs,
extracts always have the same active ingredient content.
Vitex agnus castus: has a regulatory effect on various hormonal systems. This berry has
a harmonising effect on the mare’s hormonal balance, which produces a normal, regular
and balanced cycle. This plant also has a positive effect on (female) fertility and inhibits
the sex drive of stallions with an excess of testosterone. The plant owes its ‘monk’s pepper’
nickname to its use during the Middle Ages to suppress the irresistible desires of the monks.
Origanum majorana: suppresses the production of testosterone and mood swings during oestrus, promotes the
mare’s rideability.

  • Taraxacum officinale: helps the liver dispose of waste produced during the fertility cycle.
  • Humulus lupulus: has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system.
  • Achillea millefolium: relieves cramps associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Magnesium bisglycinate: organic, highly absorbable form of magnesium. Has a soothing effect and helps muscles relax.
  • Vitamin B6: has a positive effect on the metabolism and promotes the absorption of active ingredients.
More Information
Brand Cavalor
Applicator/ Dispenser Measuring Bottle (Twin Neck)
My Product Must Be... Free From Prohibited Substances, FEI Clean Sport Compliant
My Horse Is... Marish
Ingredients Label Vitex agnus castus (10,000mg/l) Oreganum majorana (10,000mg/l) Taraxacum officinalis (10,000mg/l) Humulus lupulus (10,000mg/l) Vitamin B6 (48.7mg/l) Magnesiumbisglycinat (16,000mg/l)
Key Ingredients Agnus Castus/Chastetree Berry, B Vitamins, Dandelion, Magnesium
Instructions for use Where liquid supplements are concerned, it is normal for some ingredients to settle and form
a layer at the bottom. For that reason, please shake the bottle well before each use so that the
consistency of the dose administered is consistently homogeneous.

Mix 2 x 5 ml (for ponies) or 2 x 10 ml (for horses) into the ration daily or administer Cavalor® Venus directly by mouth. Maximum of 100 ml per horse per day.
TIP: For some horses a starting dose of 40 ml during the first 4 to 5 days is recommended, after which the dose can
be gradually reduced.
On average, it takes about 3 weeks before an effect is clearly visible. Occasionally, the mare’s behaviour will worsen after a few days. This is a good sign and indicates that the product is working. To ensure the most stable cycle possible, administering Cavalor® Venus over a prolonged period on a daily basis is recommended. You can also incorporate a break from Cavalor® Venus when your horse has been prescribed rest or isn’t required to perform.
TIP: Experience has also proven that Cavalor® Venus can be used on stallions and geldings as well. That makes sense if you read above about how one of the ingredients was once used to help monks restrain their natural urges...
Maintenance Feeding Rate (average size animal) 20ml
How long will it last (days)? Ponies: 50 days
Horses: 25 days
Approx cost per day £3.33
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