Hilton Herbs
Hilton Herbs

Hilton Herbs

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Hilton Herbs is a family-run business dedicated to manufacturing top-quality herbal feed supplements and healthcare products for horses and pets. The company has a strong ethical ethos and is known within the supplements industry for its pioneering approach to packaging and labelling, with transparency being key.

Hilton Herbs has a purpose-built manufacturing facility, deep in the beautiful Somerset countryside, which is run under audited European (UFAS) and USA (NASC) accreditation schemes so customers can be confident they are using ingredients and products produced under the strictest codes of safety, quality control and traceability. 

Unsure of what you need?
We can help!

 01995 672464


Customers are welcome to collect orders, view products in our showroom or arrange a consultation. Whilst we do hold most items in stock, we advise you to telephone before you set off to check that the items your require are in stock. If you would like to arrange an appointment please contact us so we can schedule a time.


Supplement Solutions Ltd
The Weind
Great Eccleston
Tel: 01995 672464

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