
Advantage 100 Spot-On for Dogs 4-10kg - 4 Pipettes (NFA-VPS) (Canine)

- For the prevention and treatment of flea infestations on cats and dogs, and for the treatment of biting lice (Trichodectes canis) on dogs. - For the treatment of flea infestations on pet rabbits. - Fleas are killed within one day following treatment. - One treatment prevents further flea infestation for up to four weeks on dogs, three to four weeks on cats and up to one week on pet rabbits. - The product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) in the cat and the dog, where this has been previously diagnosed by a veterinary surgeon.
RRP £45.92 Special Price £28.00

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Useful tips and information:
  • Treatment should be repeated after four weeks.
  • Treatment of nursing bitches and queens controls flea infestations on both dam and offspring.
  • Should re-treatment be necessary earlier than four weeks, do not treat more frequently than weekly.
  • Re-infestation from emergence of new fleas in the environment may continue to occur for six weeks or longer after treatment is initiated. More than one treatment may therefore be required, depending on the level of fleas in the environment.
  • To aid reduction in environmental challenge, the additional use of a suitable environmental treatment against adult fleas and developing stages is recommended.
  • In order to reduce further the environmental challenge, it is recommended that all cats, dogs and rabbits in the household are treated.
  • The product remains effective if the animal becomes wet, for example after exposure to heavy rain or after swimming (dogs). However, re-treatment may become necessary, depending on the presence of fleas in the environment. In these cases do not treat more frequently than once weekly.
  • In the case of biting louse infestation in dogs, a veterinary examination 30 days after treatment is recommended as some animals may require a second treatment.
More Information
Brand Advantage
Presentation Spot-on
Applicator/ Dispenser Pipette
Size 4 Pipettes
Warnings Do not treat unweaned puppies or kittens of less than 8 weeks of age. Do not use on pet rabbits of less than 10 weeks of age. Do not use in animals that are known to be hypersensitive to the active substance or any of the excipients. Apply only to undamaged skin. This product is for topical use and should not be administered orally. Care should be taken to avoid the contents of the tube coming into contact with the eyes or mouth of the recipient animal. Do not allow recently treated animals to groom each other. For external use only.
Ingredients Label Imidacloprid
Instructions for use With the dog in the standing position, part the coat between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze firmly several times to empty the contents directly onto the skin.
Legal Category NFA-VPS (Non-food animal medicine). A medicine for companion animals. Please answer the questions above
Wormer Information For the latest, up to date information about Advantage, please see the NOAH Compendium
Parasites Treated Biting Lice (T.canis), Fleas
Active Ingredient 10% (100mg/ml) Imidacloprid
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